LifeStyle, Tips + Tricks

Tips For Keeping Positive (even when you are struggling to do so)…

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Red Dress Boutique – Blue Floral Dress || Louis Vuitton Yellow Alma BB Bag || Seven Dials White Sandals

♥ Uncertain Times Call For Some Positivity ♥

We are experiencing something unexpected, something we haven’t dealt with before, a time of uncertainty + at times depressing, stressful + overall exhausting. From the unpleasant news of unemployment numbers, to big life milestones being put on hold or postponed, to worrying about the health + well-being of yourself, your friends + your family, we are all looking for the bright side, an end date + some sign of hope for the future.

While I am far from an expert on positivity, I myself have been in a bit of a funk + found some things that have been able to cheer me up, brighten my day + spread some good vibes all around! Let me know if these help ♥

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 1. Take A Deep Breath + Find Your Peace + Calm

We are all overwhelmed + sometimes you need to take a moment to take a deep breath + realign your mind. Whether it is doing some meditation with an app like CALM or enjoying a peaceful walk in the mornings, take time to breath and find your inner peace.

 2. Do A Daily Workout

While I am usually someone who is not a fan of working out, I have found that 30-60 minutes of exercise a day has helped de-stress me + keep me feeling good, I suppose what Elle Woods said is true…Exercise gives you endorphinsEndorphins make you happy. Happy people just don’t shoot their husbands, they just don’t. hehe :p We’ve been going for walks daily, doing Yoga on some free apps in the app store and some HIT workouts also on apps from the app store.

3. Take Time For Self-Care

Whether it is setting up a little at home spa day, taking a long shower, enjoying a bubble bath, doing a little face mask or simply taking time for yourself to re-center and relax, even though we are in a time of social distancing and may be home with kids and family members or your significant other, make time for yourself to be alone + care for yourself.

4. Be Grateful + Thankful

This one can be tough especially with everything going on but we all have something to be grateful + thankful for. While I often have thoughts during the day of being upset about things I am missing out on or am uncertain about, I at the end of the day think about what I am grateful for which for me is my health, my fiance + keeping busy with my work + creating content. Take a few minutes each day to write down in the notes app on your phone or say out loud what you are grateful for, it definitely helps put things into perspective and not feel that bad.

 5. Keep Yourself Busy + Occupied

Whether you recently got furloughed or you are home all day with your kids homeschooling etc, be sure to keep your mind active + keep busy. Even when you feel like binging Netflix all day or lounging on the couch, Im personally finding its important to keep myself busy with things that stimulate my mind + make me feel like I am accomplishing little goals each day. Since I normally work from home I am constantly setting daily goals for myself to assure I keep myself on track whether its writing new blog posts, shooting new imagery, replying to e-mails, brainstorming whats next for my agency etc.

If you were furloughed begin redesigning your resume, amp up your LinkedIn, create a blog, Youtube or social media channel for better showcase who you are and your work abilities etc. This will keep you busy and put you ahead of the game once the job market is looking a bit better. If you are at home with your kiddos focus on some new lessons you can teach them, activities you can enjoy together, a book you can read etc!

 6. Learn Something New

Whether it is a DIY activity, reading a new book, taking a online class, cooking up a new recipe in the kitchen etc. Use this downtime to your advantage and see it as a positive instead of a negative…more time to better yourself and come out of quarantine with some new knowledge than before you went in!

 7. Think Of The Future

This one is tough for me especially because for us in LA there isn’t a specific end date for when things will resume and get back to normal. While there is a lot of question marks on the future, think of happy times ahead like your next vacay destination, being back to work, being able to reunite with friends and family etc. Having something to look forward to gives a little light at the end of the tunnel.

 8. Dress Up + Get Ready

I know it feels easy to lounge in sweats + PJS but something I’ve found that cheers me up is doing my hair + makeup, putting on a cute outfit + feel like I would if I was going out + about. The saying goes when you look good, you feel good + I definitely agree…while I love being in comfy clothes, something feels better in my day when I feel pretty when I look in the mirror! It may seem like a lot of work for no reason but trust me…it helps.

P.S. I find wearing bright colors + prints brings some joy + happiness to your day. The bright colors bring on good vibes.

 9. Be Kind + Smile

Even when you want to scream, cry, or just feel helpless, take the time to be kind to those around you – the grocery store clerk, doctors, delivery people, those in your home etc. SMILE, think happy thoughts + be kind. Kindness spreads joy to those around you.

 10. Remember Things Will Be Back To Normal Soon

Even in those helpless moments remember its ok to not be OK + that things will be back to normal soon and we ALL feel this way…unsure, uneasy + craving some answers.

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