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how to keep new years resolutions


    Hello 2 0 1 8 – New Year’s Resolutions…

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    Welcome to 2 0 1 8…

    2017 was one hell of a year…from continuing to grow my career, to finding my partner in crime, to traveling across the pond to London + Paris, to getting my new dream car…it is safe to say 2017 was pretty damn amazing. Now what does 2018 have in store? Well I definitely can’t wait to find out – that’s for sure!!

     I know the old routine goes…new year, new me + we make a whole bunch of New Year’s resolutions we often try our best to keep but occasionally don’t…(I am totally guilty of this haha)

    So what are my New Year’s Resolutions + how do I plan on keeping them? Well you’ll just have to continue reading to see 😉

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    It is a NEW year and that means it is time to turn to a fresh page and write your book.

    My story last year was 365 days filled with highs + lows. The lows were tough but the highs picked me up. I vowed to be happy + to do that it meant letting go of negative thoughts + energy and moving forward towards what makes me smile.

    One of those things was to truly sit + think about what makes me happy…this leads me to New Year’s Resolution ONE that EVERYONE should get behind…


    It may sound completely silly or pretty obvious but it is not. When I started off 2017 I was at a job that sucked my soul + left me with ZERO time to enjoy + experience life. I allowed my boss to get into my head and my heart…once I left that toxic environment I vowed to never ever let a job get in the way of taking time to care for me and my mental health. (for more on that story click here)

    So how do you make time for yourself when you are hustling to make ends meet or achieve your goals?

    Luckily, I have a few tips + tricks up my sleeve…

    *Detox – now I don’t mean go on a juice cleanse (I mean if you can, do so by all means but I sure as hell can’t haha) I am referring to a digital detox, social detox, work detox etc. Simply unplug, unwind + relax.

    After working at a place where I was harassed 24/7, I am lucky enough to have the ability to unplug on the weekends + focus on me – that means not answer work e-mails (unless urgent of course) + not worry about the office while I am cozy watching Netflix.

    More + more on the weekends I have been logging off social media + not necessarily feeling the urge to post – if I am out doing something cool, ok maybe I will log on but otherwise a little break feels nice – I am learning to not feel ‘guilty‘ for not posting everyday, everyone needs a break, ya know?

    *Treat Yourself – get a massage or a facial, relax in the jacuzzi, apply a face mask, whatever it is…indulge and take a moment to just be at peace. Nothing makes me happier than a face mask + some Dateline (I can be hauled up all weekend with just those two things haha)

    I happen to find great deals on massages + facials + all spa experiences via Groupon (they truly have the best deals + it is a great way to find places in your local area + try them out for a fraction of the regular going rate!

    Here are some of my favorite hair + face masks

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    This is a pretty common resolution but can mean various things…whether it is buying a planner + logging your goals for the year based on day, week, moth + quarter…or cleaning your office or home to feel a little less cluttered, getting organized at the beginning of the year is always a good idea.

    *Declutter – I am no neat freak by any means but after the holidays (and a trip since I was in London for the holidays), I always like to clean up, put away the holiday decorations + get organized. Cleaning my place while watching South Park is one of my favorite things to do (how sad is that) haha but the smell of Lemon Pledge (hehe Family Guy reference) + Lysol makes me quite happy. Grab some clear bins from Home Depot + get packing! I organized my makeup, Poshmark merchandise + more in one weekend + felt great after it!

    *Plan Ahead – Whether you are planning your new year workouts, when to travel or how to accomplish your dreams, a fresh new planner to start the new year is always a good idea! I like to have a few different planners – 1 for diet + workouts, 1 for my blog editorial calendar + goals and 1 for upcoming life events like travel, work functions etc. They are a easy way to visualize what is ahead + write notes etc to keep your plans aligned.

    Here are some of my favorite planners 


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    3. HAVE FUN

    Ok ok, maybe this is cliche, but in 2018 I am a firm believer in FUN. Take that trip, try a new workout, learn a new hobby…whatever it is do it! You know why? Because there may not be another chance to do it in the future! My new policy for 2018 is to say YES.

    *Say YES – This year say yes – you never know what it can lead to. Whether it is a new career opportunity, a new friend, a new experience etc. Those moments fill the pages of your 365 day journal for 2018!

    *Break the Mold – Or rather rules…hehe Now don’t go commit a crime, BUT rather don’t do the same old, same old…take a risk, even if it scares you – those challenges shape you into the bad ass person you will become. If I was too afraid to leave NY, go on some dates, travel outside the country, I wouldn’t be the gal I am today nor would I have met Mike 😉

    As the fabulous Katherine Hepburn once said:

    If You Obey All The Rules

    You Miss All The Fun

    missyonmadison, missyonmadison instagram, missyonmadison blog, fashion blog, fashion blogger, style blog, style blogger, vsco, vsco presets, vsco editing, lightroom, lightroom presets, how to edit in lightroom, insta worthy photos, editing photos for instagram, bloglovin, dreamy presets, facetune, facetune editing app, airbrush app, airbrush iphone app, vsco app, lightroom mobile app, snapseed editing app, snapseed,

    What are your New Year’s Resolutions?

    Share them with me below!

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