Friday can never come soon enough…after an exhausting work week I am fully ready to enjoy the weekend! This week has been insane for me because my car was in the shop since Monday getting repaired for it to go back from it’s lease tomorrow (RIP ‘Yup JR’). For those of you who haven’t seen my license plate, it reads Yup Jr…almost everyone asks me what it stands for so here is the scoop…
My dad is a big car guy and loves vanity license plates (who doesn’t like to make a statement…even when it comes to their car right? :p) so one of his vehicles has the license plate ‘Yup‘ so naturally I became ‘Yup Jr‘…why did he name his truck Yup? Well for any of you who are familiar with Dodge and their vehicles here it goes :: There was a commercial back in 2006 where a Challenger + a Charger pull up to a red light and the guy in the Charger asks the guy in the Challenger “Does that thing have a Hemi (engine)?” and the guy in the Challenger simply responds “YUP”….and bam…Yup was born…along with Yup JR. Well this weekend Yup Jr is going into retirement and being replaced with a brand new baby…You will just have to follow me on SnapChat :: MissyOnMadison to see what I get next 😉