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    Health & Fitness

    Zen Days…

    missyonmadison, rbx active, rbx leggings, yoga, green yoga mat, melissa tierney, brita, brita sport bottle, white drapped crossover top, fabletics, fabletics white top, black sports bra, yoga poses, yogi,  yoga style, what to wear for yoga, how to dress for yoga, yoga gear, hot yoga, outdoor yoga,RBX Active Capri Leggings : White Fabletics CrossOver Shirt (similar) : Brita Sport Bottle : Green Yoga Mat

    Happy Fit Friday Everyone! Nothing gets me ready for a fun weekend getaway (I am off to San Diego if you missed yesterday’s post here) like a zen yoga session in some new fitness apparel. Since moving to LA, I have toned down my style just a tad (I am still not giving up neon + heels haha) but began embracing more fitness apparel that can be worn as casual wear on the weekends (or even weekdays…my office is kind of awesome about that :p)! When RBX asked to send along their new active capris I said YES because what girl doesn’t love bright leggings that offer comfort, support and are the perfect match for her yoga mat 😉 Yes…it just so happened to be that these leggings matched my yoga mat because of course a gal matches her fitness apparel to her fitness equipment!

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