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Retail Trade

    Fashion Scene

    Black Friday and Cyber Monday Secret Weapon: Retail Me Not

    Retail Me Not app available now!

    Retail Me Not app available now!

    Ok, so if your a fashionista like myself and you haven’t yet discovered the website and app known as ‘Retail Me Not‘…I’m about to rock your world!

    Yes, Black Friday and Cyber Monday are already filled with great steals and deals, but ‘Retail Me Not’ helps wrangle in all those coupons, promotions and giveaways in one easy place. This means no hoarding numerous ads, flyers or coupons. Put the scissors away ladies….’Retail Me Not’ puts all these deals in the palm of your hand, your smart phone (app available: here)!

    Simply go to the app or the website…type in the store your searching for and bam, ‘in store’ and ‘online’ offers pop up for any place you can think of. You can save the coupons to your phone, tweet them, send them to a friend, whatever you heart desires!

    ‘Retail Me Not’ just made holiday shopping a whole lot easier! (Check out one of my holiday gift guides: here)

    Tweet me @MissyOnMadison & ‘Like‘ the Facebook Page!

