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    Beauty, Blogging World, Health & Fitness, Yummy Tummy

    ‘WorkOut Wednesday’ – TRX

    A group of people doing suspension training at the gym.

    Happy ‘WorkOut Wednesday‘ Loves! It’s my first WorkOut Wednesday post of the New Year and like many of you… yes I cheated a little and fell off the gym wagon around the holidays, but I’m happy to get right back to my workout routine! In this edition of ‘WorkOut Wednesday‘ I’m sharing with you a little piece of gym equipment called the ‘TRX‘.

    The ‘TRX’ helps with suspension training. Basically, the ‘TRX’  gives you the ability to do all the exercises you normally do: squats, rows, bicep curls, pushups, burpees etc…except with an extra with a little extra twist. By suspending the body, the ‘TRX’ makes all these already ‘difficult’ exercises a little tougher by having your body suspended in stir-ups wear your either leaning towards or away from the wall in order to get that extra resistance.

    I personally like the ‘TRX’ for some moves like squats, curls, pushups, planking etc…sometimes however, practice makes perfect and it takes a long time to be able to balance in the ‘TRX’ and do the moves properly at the same time!

    Have you tried the ‘TRX’? 


    Tweet me @MissyOnMadison & ‘Like‘ the Facebook Page!

