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    Blogging World, Health & Fitness, LifeStyle, Yummy Tummy

    ‘Workout Wednesday’ – ‘Juicing’


    Ok, so the big health fad of ‘juicing’ seems to be making it’s way into the year 2014. The year 2013 was filled with models, celebrities, your neighbor down the street and just about anyone looking to kick start a healthy lifestyle all attributing it to ‘Juicing’.

    If you’ve been living under a rock for the past year and aren’t quite familiar with the term ‘Juicing’ let me explain…Basically, for a certain period time, it can be a day, 3 days, 5 days, 7 days or even 2 weeks, you don’t eat, but you drink approximately 6 pre-made juices a day as meal replacements in order to cleanse your system and give your body all the nutrients, fruits and vegetables your supposed to be getting on a daily basis, but you rarely do due to poor eating habits.

    Sounds like a reasonable idea? Now I haven’t tried this out yet for a few reasons, 1) Will I be able to function solely on drinking juice even if it is just for 3 days? I’m not too sure…2) Even if it cleanses my system for the 3 days I’m on it, what happens after?…3) If your someone who isn’t ready to commit to a ‘Juicing’ lifestyle, meaning I’m not prepared to do a cleanse every month…is there a point of even jumping in to doing one in the first place?

    Like with most things, I’m slightly skeptical when it comes to juicing. While I am all about trying to be healthy…although I can’t promise to always stick to it 100% of the time, is ‘Juicing’ truly good for you? Or is it simply one more fad that will be replaced in a year with the next health and weight loss breakthrough?

    I think for now I will try a method that has seemed to ring true time after time…working out and eating right. What about you?

    Check Out Previous ‘Workout Wednesday’ Posts –>




    ‘Celebrity Inspiration’

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    Beauty, Blogging World, Health & Fitness, Yummy Tummy

    ‘WorkOut Wednesday’ – TRX

    A group of people doing suspension training at the gym.

    Happy ‘WorkOut Wednesday‘ Loves! It’s my first WorkOut Wednesday post of the New Year and like many of you… yes I cheated a little and fell off the gym wagon around the holidays, but I’m happy to get right back to my workout routine! In this edition of ‘WorkOut Wednesday‘ I’m sharing with you a little piece of gym equipment called the ‘TRX‘.

    The ‘TRX’ helps with suspension training. Basically, the ‘TRX’  gives you the ability to do all the exercises you normally do: squats, rows, bicep curls, pushups, burpees etc…except with an extra with a little extra twist. By suspending the body, the ‘TRX’ makes all these already ‘difficult’ exercises a little tougher by having your body suspended in stir-ups wear your either leaning towards or away from the wall in order to get that extra resistance.

    I personally like the ‘TRX’ for some moves like squats, curls, pushups, planking etc…sometimes however, practice makes perfect and it takes a long time to be able to balance in the ‘TRX’ and do the moves properly at the same time!

    Have you tried the ‘TRX’? 


    Tweet me @MissyOnMadison & ‘Like‘ the Facebook Page!


    Blogging World, Health & Fitness, Yummy Tummy

    Skinny Thanksgiving Tips


    Thanksgiving always calls for over eating, but this year it doesn’t have to! With America becoming more health conscious than ever, here are a few easy tips to help us not go ‘over board’ this Thanksgiving season!

    Some of these helpful hints may seem like common sense, but just by doing them you save  yourself that bloated feeling and the calories.

    1) Portion Control:

    Yes, dietitians say this all the time, watch what your eating, take less blah blah blah. Now my version of portion control? People often overload their Thanksgiving plates with everything on the table. First off, take a smaller plate or don’t ‘FILL’ your plate. Take a small amount of food to begin, you’ll be surprised how many people have eyes bigger than their stomachs!

    2) Drink Water:

    Holidays are often a time for drinking and being merry, however if you drink a few glasses of water before heading to the party or dinner, your more likely to eat less due to you feeling full on water. Also, if you can, why not pass on the alcohol and have water with dinner? Crazy I know, but with a heavy meal, alcohol usually leads to indigestion and an even more bloated feeling…go for the water!

    3) Decisions, Decisions:

    Seeing a table full of food can be overwhelming. You want to try everything plus have your favorite classics, but sometimes you need to make a decision and sacrifice. Are you going to want dessert? Then time to forgo an extra calorie filled side at dinner. It’s all about deciding what you really want and eating a normal amount of each thing.

    What are your tricks for staying skinny this Thanksgiving?

    Tweet me @MissyOnMadison & ‘Like‘ the Facebook Page!

    Screen shot 2013-11-28 at 9.42.10 PM



    Health & Fitness, Yummy Tummy

    WorkOut Wednesday – ‘Planking’

    Happy WorkOut Wednesday Everyone!

    Remember when ‘Planking’ was the ‘in’ thing all the cool kids were doing? Snapping pics of themselves ‘planking’ in odd locations and sharing it with their friends…well news flash, ‘Planking’ is still in, however not in the way it was made famous for!

    This WorkOut Wednesday is all about the power of the ‘plank’ position. Holding the plank position for 30-60 seconds in between spurts of cardio or after a run helps tighten your core, stabilize your muscles and of course help feel the burn in those abs!

    Want to do a spicier version of the traditional plank? To tackle your obliques, do a side plank like pictured below. If you can raise your arm up with weights even better, if not, stick to the basic!

    Side Plank

    Side Plank

    Meet ya at the gym! Tweet me @MissyOnMadion & ‘Like‘ the Facebook Page!



    Fashion Love, Fashion Scene, Health & Fitness, Looks For Less, Yummy Tummy

    WorkOut Wednesday – Work B*tch


    There’s always that one song that comes on your playlist inspiring outrageous singing, crazy dance moves or in my case, the motivation to go work out. Britney Spear’s single ‘Work B*tch’ does just that….take the lyrics “Want a hot body? You better work b*tch”…enough said!

    This segment of ‘WorkOut Wednesday‘ is all about ‘working’ it and what better way to work yourself out in the gym with some killer cardio. They key to not only loosing weight, but also toning up is to mix cardio in with intervals of weight training.

    For example, do 20 pushups followed by 30 seconds of jumping jacks, then back to pushups…so on and so forth. Mix up the cardio you do with jumping jacks, high knees, mountain climbers, squat jacks, burpees…whatever works best for you as long as you keep your heart rate up and the sweat dripping!

    Happy WorkOut Wednesday!

    Tweet me @MissyOnMadison & ‘Like‘ The Facebook Page!


