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    National Shoe Lovers Day!

    missyonmadison valentinorockstudpumps rockstudpumps shoelover shoes dsw shoelovers nationalshoesloversday shoefie selfie instagram partymissyonmadison valentinorockstudpumps rockstudpumps shoelover shoes dsw shoelovers nationalshoesloversday shoefie selfie instagram partyHAPPY NATIONAL SHOE LOVER DAY! I got a fun little package from DSW in the mail to help kick off ‘National Shoe Lover Day’! Check out the video below for deets on how YOU can win FREE shoes from DSW 😉 Yes, I finally got with the YouTube generation and am starting to make videos…shocking I know!

    Be sure to follow my YouTube channel :: MissyOnMadison & Join the fun DSW Warehouse festivities by taking a ‘shoefie’ or by shopping online or in stores! For my ‘shoefies’ follow me on instagram :: @MissyOnMadison

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